This synergy was created for people who need to strengthen their concentration. It will therefore not contain calming and anxiolytic essential oils but essential oils which will allow you to concentrate, gain self-confidence and therefore reduce stress. Future high school graduates, future employees, athletes of all levels, have confidence in yourself and surpass yourself!

This article was updated on 19/12/2023

The quick reflex: Champs Mint

From 6 years old & adults. Dermal, 1 drop of Wild Mint to dilute in vegetable oil and apply to the forehead. When applying, protect eyes from any contact.

Complete synergy to apply

The mixture

To promote concentration, take your empty bottle and add:

    • 50 drops of essential oil Laurel Noble
    • 50 drops of essential oil Pepper mint
    • 50 drops of essential oilBlack Spruce

Cap (click!), homogenize then label your bottle. Your synergy is ready!

How to use

Apply 1 drop of the mixture to the inside of each wrist then breathe deeply.

You can use this synergy before each test.

Authorized users

YES. Adults, adolescents, children over 6 years old.
NO. Pregnant and breastfeeding women, children under 6 years old.

Special precautions

  • Be sure to seek medical advice before use for people with asthma, epilepsy (epileptogenic risk at high doses) and under treatment for thyroid problems.
  • An essential oil is estrogen-like, hepatotoxic and prohibited in cases of significant cardiovascular problems.
  • An essential oil is cortison-like.
  • It is also recommended to carry out the allergy test with the mixture in the crook of the elbow before use.

These precautions apply under the application and dosage conditions cited above. If in doubt, ask your question on our forum and consult your doctor.

Synergy to spread

The mixture

To stay focused, take your empty bottle, and add:

    • 20 drops of essential oil Field Mint
    • 40 drops of essential oil Laurel Noble
    • 40 drops of essential oil Lemon
    • 40 drops of essential oilBlack Spruce

Cap (click!), homogenize then label your bottle. Your synergy is ready!

How to use

Pour a few drops of the essential oil mixture into your diffuser, respecting the number of drops indicated on the instructions.

Broadcast in 30 minute slots.

Authorized users

YES. Adults, adolescents, children over 3 years old, pregnant women over 3 months old and breastfeeding women.
NO. Pregnant women under 3 months, children under 3 years old.

Generally, remember that essential oils are PROHIBITED in the first 3 months of pregnancy. More details : essential oils for children and essential oils for pregnant and breastfeeding women

Special precautions

It is recommended that people with asthma, under treatment for thyroid problems, or epilepsy seek medical advice before using this diffusion synergy for the first time.

These precautions apply under the application and dosage conditions cited above. If in doubt, ask your question on our forum and consult your doctor.

Why these essential oils?

Noble Laurel rebalances the nervous system

Good concentration, without stress, before an event is essential. L'noble Laurel essential oil is present in the synergy to regulate the body and prepare it for exercise. It is therefore necessary to create a mind of steel. Indeed, it is nervous balancing. It will therefore, thanks to alpha terpineol, linalool and terpenyl acetate, act on the nervous system. In particular, it will have a regulatory action on the sympathetic systems (system of action, awakening and alerting the body) and parasympathetic systems (system of putting the body to rest and recovering).

It will thus allow the body to prepare for action while remaining calm. This is the attitude to adopt to stay focused.

Peppermint stimulates concentration

L'peppermint essential oil is present in the synergy for its high concentration of menthol, a monoterpene alcohol. This molecule gives it tonic and general stimulating properties. Indeed, menthol will stimulate the nervous system through an action on the level of dopamine (neurotransmitter of the central nervous system whose networks are closely linked to vigilance and the search for pleasure). This essential oil will therefore stimulate alertness and make it easier to concentrate during an event.

Peppermint essential oil is an extraordinary energizer and stimulant, it is even considered the best in the entire aromatherapeutic landscape.

The stimulating action of Black Spruce

L'black Spruce essential oil contains mainly monoterpene esters and monoterpenes. Monoterpenes are positive; they will therefore play a role of primary importance in the general stimulation of the body thanks to their cortison-like hormonal action on the “pituitary-cortico-adrenal” axis. This system governs a large number of processes in the body and states of fatigue are sometimes due to its failure.

This essential oil will therefore stimulate the body's multiple functions and allow it to be in great shape before the event.

The freshness of Field Mint

L'wild Mint essential oil brings to this synergy a refreshing scent to keep the brain alert and attentive to its work. It will then be very appreciated in a bedroom or an office to promote concentration.

This essential oil is composed of terpene alcohols and esters which will play the role of anticephalics in order to effectively fight against the potential onset of headaches due to focus on the objective, the stress generated and excessive concentration. .

Lemon for a good mood

Within this synergy, thelemon essential oil is present to make the atmosphere stimulating, conducive to awakening and memorization.

Its fresh, lemony scent airs out the room to make it even more pleasant: it is well known that it is easier to work in a room where you feel good and where it smells good!

Choose your diffuser correctly

To diffuse this synergy, you will need an essential oil diffuser. There are 3 main broadcast technologies: 

  • nebulization, which is undoubtedly the most effective, but also the most expensive;
  • misting, which works with water and makes a pretty mist that is very pleasant to look at; 
  • gentle heat, less powerful, but completely silent.  
If you want to know more, we update regularly a guide to help purchase essential oil diffusers.

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Work : de la Charie, T. (2019). Treat yourself with essential oils. Why and how does it work? Editions du Rocher.

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About these tips

This aromatherapy article was written by Théophane de la Charie, author of the book “Treat yourself with essential oils”, accompanied by a multidisciplinary team made up of pharmacists, biochemists and agronomists. 

La Compagnie des Sens and its teams do not encourage self-medication. The information and advice provided comes from a reference bibliographic database (books, scientific publications, etc.). They are given for information purposes, or to suggest avenues for reflection: they should in no case replace a diagnosis, consultation or medical follow-up, and cannot engage the liability of the Compagnie des Sens.