Severe insomnia affects 9% of the population. How to recognize them? They are more violent than classic insomnia, they cause more awakenings during the night and are very frequent and extended over time. They can occur more than three times a week for several months! This particularly annoying and even dangerous pathology for health still represents a large proportion of the population, which is why we can wonder if it affects a particularly specific type of person. or if everyone can be a victim. We tell you more! Many factors cause insomnia, so anyone can experience it. For example, an underlying illness can be the cause, such as a cold that lasts, and in this case, it is enough to treat the cold to get back to sleep. However, studies have shown that there are indeed types of people more likely to be victims of severe insomnia.

This article was updated on 04/12/2023

The women

Women seem, according to statistics, to be more affected than men by severe insomnia. And in fact, they are victims, twice as often as men, of severe insomnia. However, it turns out that this phenomenon remains difficult to explain by scientists. And yes ! No element is really differentiating. The most common hypothesis is therefore that one of the causes of severe insomnia is a hormonal factor, more subject to fluctuation in women. We could also say that maternal instinct has something to do with it... But in all cases, it is women who have the most difficulty flying away into the arms of Morpheus! But don't panic, there are natural solutions to overcome severe insomnia.

Old people

We have in fact established a relationship between aging and the increase in insomnia. This phenomenon is quite easy to explain since it is completely linked to the multiplication of diseases and pathologies specific to people aged over 50, as diabetes, heart problems,arthritis or any degeneration. As noted previously, 50% of severe insomnia is caused by other health problems. This explains it then. But this is not the only explanation! Indeed, you have surely noticed it for yourself, the older we get, the less we sleep. This is due to a change in sleep cycles, we are made like that. Insomnia is therefore, by the same principle, more frequent.

People with obesity

Investigation "Sleep and Nutritionn” demonstrated the existence of a link between our diet and our sleep. Indeed, people with obesity are much more likely to suffer from severe insomnia. Among women, for example, those who are obese are more affected by this problem at 43% than those not affected by obesity. A telling figure which clearly demonstrates that this type of person is more at risk. Note that this cause and effect relationship is reciprocal since lack of sleep promotes weight gain.

A genetic factor?

Severe insomnia is a real scourge, almost an illness that can have repercussions on our state of health. So, sleep specialists identified a gene, more often transmitted by the mother, which could make it more conducive to insomnia. However, this remains rare. There is also a genetic disease called fatal familial insomnia which causes insomnia but above all leads to death. But rest assured, this pathology only affects around forty families worldwide. The chances of having it are therefore minimal.

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Work : de la Charie, T. (2019). Treat yourself with essential oils. Why and how does it work? Editions du Rocher.

About these tips

This aromatherapy article was written by Théophane de la Charie, author of the book “Treat yourself with essential oils”, accompanied by a multidisciplinary team made up of pharmacists, biochemists and agronomists. 

La Compagnie des Sens and its teams do not encourage self-medication. The information and advice provided comes from a reference bibliographic database (books, scientific publications, etc.). They are given for information purposes, or to suggest avenues for reflection: they should in no case replace a diagnosis, consultation or medical follow-up, and cannot engage the liability of the Compagnie des Sens.