Over the last ten years, superfoods have really come into the spotlight. The term superfood is literally translated from the term “superfood” in the United States, where this trend which emerged in the 1990s comes from. Superfoods are products particularly rich in nutrients with beneficial effects for health. They represent a new field of investigation and research in nutrition through studies relating to the nutrients and substances concerned. Their place and their interest in human nutrition have yet to be established. However, through superfoods and their natural composition, it is above all the importance of food as the basis of our health that deserves to be highlighted...

Context and reasons for success

The links between nutrition and health are becoming better known, and the risk of developing many common chronic diseases of the 21th century (cancer, cardiovascular diseases, obesity or even type 2 diabetes) can be reduced by following a healthy, varied and balanced diet. It is in this context where nutrition has become a major public health issue that the superfoods market takes place. Possessing a real nutritional advantage, their nutrient content being higher than more conventional foods, superfoods aim to preserve health.

Their success is due to several factors. First, it reflects the desire of many people to improve their diet by turning to products 100% from nature, with strong nutritional value, very good news in itself. Additionally, incorporate superfoods into your diet it's very simple, it's good, it is also an opportunity to test new recipes and above all it allows you to replace certain higher-calorie foods. Ultimately, it's an excellent way to prevent or improve certain deficiencies or reductions in diet ; find solutions through food before coming to supplementation.

Limits on the subject of superfoods

One of the limitations attributed to superfoods is precisely that this notion has no real limits. According to its definition, all foods rich in nutrients can fall into this category, whether almonds, pomegranates but also lentils or even green tea.

Another limitation that can be attributed to the subject of superfoods more than to superfoods themselves, their success exactly. Press, blogs, social networks, everyone is monopolizing the subject. For this reason, a lot of information is transmitted and marketed without being entirely accurate. Information relating to traditional observations or even scientific studies is sometimes taken up, modified, amplified by retaining only the “shocking” information. Enough to lose the consumer, discredit superfoods and above all lose the important information to remember about the true benefits of these products.

The cost of certain superfoods can also be a sticking point. The latter generally come from new markets which explains, among other things, this cost.

The environmental and social conditions in which superfoods are produced can also be highlighted. Certain products generally come from other continents and are drawn from local production. It is therefore important to ensure that products respect certain environmental, social or cultural criteria depending on how they are cultivated, imported, marketed for example.

One of the limitations often highlighted is the lack of scientific information on the subject. On this subject, numerous studies have emerged in recent years, they sometimes remain very theoretical and deserve to be pushed to the scale of clinical studies. This is already the case for Chia seeds, for example, for which a 2017 clinical study proves the impact of consuming 30 g of seeds per day on weight loss in overweight subjects.

In summary, limits exist and it is important to be aware of them. Note, however, that they are mainly linked to marketing and the flourishing success of the concept rather than to superfoods themselves. Hence the importance of maintaining a certain distrust and a critical mind when choosing your superfoods and the brand that promotes them.

The vision of the Compagnie des Sens

Through superfoods, we especially wanted highlight the importance of food as the basis of our health. Superfoods are good to integrate into a diet as long as it is already balanced, varied and the lifestyle is healthy. On the other hand, under no circumstances should they be proclaimed as “miracle” products based on current knowledge.

Superfoods have real nutritional value and as a bonus they are good on their own or integrated into recipes. They can therefore present an alternative to other everyday foods. Their nutritional benefits deserve further study but already seem to be involved in many significant benefits for our health.

Don't forget, however, that a whole bunch of foods also have nutritional benefits (fruits, vegetables, legumes, vegetable oils, nuts, etc.). But also and above all others are clearly to be avoided according to the National Health Nutrition Program (PNNS): sugary products and drinks, alcohol, red meat and even cold meats.

In summary, to live well, eat better and enjoy choosing your foods and superfoods.

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Publication: Vuksan, V., Jenkins, A., Brissette, C., Choleva, L., Jovanovski, E., Gibbs, A., . . . Hanna, A. (2017). Salba-chia (Salvia hispanica L.) in the treatment of overweight and obese patients with type 2 diabetes: A double-blind randomized controlled trial. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases, 27(2), 138–146. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.numecd.2016.11.124

Website : Recommendations | Eat Move. Retrieved June 17, 2019, from http://www.mangerbouger.fr/Les-recommandations

Website : (2019, April 17). Nutrition – Ministry of Solidarity and Health. Retrieved June 17, 2019, from https://solidarites-sante.gouv.fr/prevention-en-sante/preserver-sa-sante/article/nutrition