Hemp is a plant from the Cannabinaceae family. Originally from Central Asia, this plant is one of humanity's oldest crops. The Hemp plant is commonly used for industrial purposes: textile, construction, plastics industries, etc. Since the knowledge of its nutritional benefits, Hemp has experienced renewed interest. Indeed, the seeds, or rather, the achenes of Hemp are full of benefits. Although they lack THC and CBD, they do contain magnesium. The latter gives them their relaxing properties. The lipid profile of Hemp seeds is also surprising: rich in omega-3, they have an excellent omega-6/omega-3 ratio (estimated at 3.7). Hypocholesterolemic, hypotriglyceridemic, antioxidant, remineralizing... so many therapeutic properties which easily give hemp seeds a place in health nutrition. Latin name: Cannabis sativa L. Botanical family: Cannabinaceae. Part used: Seed.

Recommended consumption

Due to the energy density of Hemp seeds and their high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, daily consumption recommendations are defined:

  • for pleasure : 15 g of Hemp seeds per day, i.e. 4 to 5 teaspoons per day.

  • in treatment: 50 g of Hemp seeds per day, or 15 teaspoons, for three weeks. Due to their high fiber content, please increase the doses gradually. 

In what form ?

To make the most of their benefits, you can use them:

  • Whole
  • Grilled, toasted
  • Ground, crushed
At what time of the day ?

We advise you to use them during the following meal(s) to make the most of their benefits:

  • Lunch
  • Dinner
What methods of use?

You can include them in the following preparations to make them easier to take:

  • Salad
  • Soup
  • Dessert
  • Yogurt, dairy
  • Aperitif
  • Flat
Precautions for use
  • In case of diverticulosis, whole hemp seeds are strongly not recommended.

  • Allergen: traces of Gluten.

Health nutrition benefits

15 g of Hemp seeds contain a significant portion of Nutritional References for the Population (RNP) of the following nutrients: Fiber, Calcium, Copper, MagnesiumManganese and Phosphorus. They also contain, to a lesser extent, proteins, Iron, of Potassium, of Zinc, of the Vitamin B1, of the Vitamin B3 and some Vitamin B9.

As such, hemp seeds can complement your healthy and varied diet.


Rich in fiber, proteins, lipids and low in sugar, hemp seeds are perfect for fighting hyperglycemia. In fact, this mixture provides them with a low glycemic load. As a result, they prevent all diseases linked to repetitive hyperglycemia: diabetes, obesity, overweight, retinopathy, kidney disease, etc.

Regarding lipid disorders, hemp seeds increase HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol). HDL cholesterol is a protective marker for cardiovascular pathologies. In addition, they reduce LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol), triglyceridemia and the risk of cholesterol oxidation: a predictive factor of atherosclerosis.

Nervous system, well-being

The body continuously produces energy called ATP to enable cells to function. This energy production is possible thanks to macronutrients, such as lipids. Lipids are the macronutrients with the highest energy density. Half of the nutritional composition of Hemp seeds is represented by lipids.

Energy synthesis also requires micronutrients which act as enzymatic cofactors. These substances are necessary to maintain the structure of enzymes. These micronutrients include iron and magnesium, both present in large quantities in hemp seeds. Furthermore, iron and magnesium reduce the feeling of fatigue.

The brain also benefits from iron to function normally. Since an iron deficiency leads to a decline in intellectual performance.

Urogenital system

An anti-inflammatory food source diet is recommended in cases of painful premenstrual syndrome. Hemp seeds are full of alpha-linolenic acid (omega-3): these inhibit the production of inflammatory compounds (prostaglandins).

Hemp seeds can therefore be included in your varied and balanced diet to prevent the following ailments. Obviously, monitoring and medical treatment are required for these pathologies, but diet is a support to consider to maintain good health.

Immune system

Thanks to the presence of Edestine, Hemp seeds contribute to the production of immune cells. Edestin is a plant globulin. It is a precursor of immunoglobulins: antibodies. Antibodies neutralize pathogens. On another level, Hemp seeds contribute to iron intake, a trace element essential to the functioning of white blood cells.

Thus, Hemp seeds can be part of a varied and balanced diet to maintain the immune system.

Muscles and joints

Hemp seeds participate in the construction and reconstruction of muscle fibers. Hemp seeds provide plant proteins and magnesium which promote protein synthesis. Muscle contraction disorders can result from a deficiency of magnesium and potassium. Hemp seeds are extremely rich in magnesium and potassium, they fight against these deficiencies, restoring muscle function to normal (see our guide muscle cramps and diet).

Digestive system

Hemp seeds are largely composed of insoluble fiber. This type of fiber accelerates intestinal transit (see our guide constipation and diet). Thus, Hemp seeds fight against digestive transit disorders, to be integrated, obviously, into a varied and balanced diet.

Bone system

Hemp seeds are vectors of magnesium, phosphorus and protein. The latter three contribute to bone strength, promoting mineralization and bone strength (see our guide osteoporosis and diet).

Oral system

Hemp seeds protect teeth, since they provide phosphorus and magnesium. These micronutrients contribute to the mineralization of dental enamel. Not to mention that hemp seeds are low in sugar. They do not contribute to the cariogenic activity of oral bacteria.

Children and babies

Growth inevitably involves successive cell divisions. The proper functioning of the cell division process requires optimal dietary intake of iron and magnesium. By providing these minerals, Hemp seeds contribute to the process of cell division. As part of a varied and balanced diet, the nutrients in Hemp seeds support growth.

Nutritional properties

Main properties

  • Anti-atherogenic (omega-3, vitamin E, phytonutrient): Hemp seeds are full of omega-3. Omega-3 is truly essential in cardiovascular protection: it promotes blood fluidity, while limiting inflammation of the arteries. The whole makes it possible to act preventively and curatively on atherosclerotic plaques. Remember that the omega-6/omega-3 ratio is excellent in hemp seeds, an important index to ensure good health. Finally, the antioxidants in Hemp seeds prevent cholesterol oxidation.

  • Regulator of intestinal transit (fiber): in the intestines, the fibers of Hemp seeds absorb water, which increases the mass of stools and accelerates intestinal transit.

  • Lipid-lowering (lipid, fiber, phytosterol): Hemp seeds have a perfect lipid profile: a high content of omega-3, which is hypotriglyceridemic and cardiovascular protective; a moderate intake of omega-6, having hypocholesterolemic power. In addition, the fibers and phytosterols found in Hemp seeds reduce the absorption of dietary cholesterol.

  • Antioxidant (vitamin E, phytonutrient): Hemp seeds are a source of vitamin E. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant: it neutralizes the activity of free radicals. In addition, studies note high levels of total polyphenols, flavonoids, flavonols and carotenoids in hemp seeds. These compounds are known for their antioxidant effects.

  • Immunomodulating (iron, edestin): Hemp seeds are vectors of iron and edestin. Adequate iron intake supports the immune response. Edestin is a precursor of immunoglobulins (antibodies): it is the first line of defense of the adaptive immune system, they detect and neutralize pathogens.

  • Appetite regulator (fiber, lipid, protein, low sugar content): Hemp seeds have a low glycemic index, which encourages the feeling of satiety. In fact, fibers, lipids and proteins represent more than 90% of Hemp seeds. The latter reduce the bioavailability of carbohydrates. Thanks to Hemp seeds, the increase in postprandial blood sugar is gentle and will not induce a sudden drop in blood sugar.

  • Control blood sugar (fiber, lipid, protein, low sugar content): Hemp seeds reduce the glycemic load of the meal thanks to their low glycemic index.

  • Contributing to energy metabolism (lipid, iron, magnesium, phosphorus): Hemp seeds provide the body with something to produce energy: iron, magnesium and phosphorus contribute to the functioning of energy metabolism enzymes. Furthermore, the majority of their macronutrients are lipids. Lipids have a high energy density: 9 kcal per 1 g of lipid.

Secondary properties

  • Participating in muscular functioning (protein, magnesium, potassium): through their protein intake, hemp seeds participate in muscle contraction and synthesis. Additionally, they are rich in magnesium and potassium which contribute to muscle function.

  • Anti-fatigue (iron, magnesium): Hemp seeds contribute to the magnesium and ferric intake. A sufficient intake of iron and magnesium helps reduce fatigue.

  • Regulator of the nervous system (magnesium, potassium): propagation of the nervous message is possible thanks to ion movements. Hemp seeds contribute to the supply of its ions, explaining its participation in the functioning of the nervous system.

  • Skin regenerating (iron, magnesium, phosphorus): Hemp seeds contribute to the process of cell division by providing iron and magnesium. In addition, they provide phosphorus, which is part of the composition of phospholipids. Phospholipids form the membranes of cells, including the skin.

  • Relaxer (magnesium, potassium): although hemp seeds are devoid of cannabinoids (THC, CBD, etc.), they will nevertheless promote relaxation of the body. The seeds are extremely rich in magnesium: 60 g of seed completely meets the daily magnesium requirement. Magnesium reduces muscle tone, thus limiting muscle tension. In addition, potassium confers a hypotensive effect on hemp seeds.

  • Remineralizing (magnesium, phosphorus): Hemp seeds are extremely rich in phosphorus and magnesium. These two minerals are stored in bones and teeth, which contributes to their mineralization.

Nutritional values

Nutritional elements per 100g for 15g % of RDA* per 100 g % of RDA* for 15 g
Energy (Kcal) 366 55 18 3
Energy (Kj) 1532 230 18 3
Lipids (g) 30.7 4.6 44 7
Saturated fatty acids (g) 3.3 0.5 17 2
Monounsaturated fatty acids (g) 2.3 0.3
Polyunsaturated fatty acids (g) 23.7 3.6
Including omega-3 (g) 17.8 2.7
Including omega-6 (g) 5.8 0.9
Carbohydrates (g) 7.7 1.2 3 0
Including sugars (g) 1.1 0.2 1 0
Dietary fiber (g) 34.4 5.2
Protein (g) 19.5 2.9 39 6
Salt (g) 0.04 0 1 0
Vitamin B1 (mg) 0.62 0.1 56 8
Vitamin B2 (mg) 0.17 0.03 12 2
Vitamin B3 (mg) 8.83 1.3 55 8
Vitamin B9 (µg) 49 7.4 25 4
Vitamin B12 (µg) 0 0 0 0
Vitamin C (mg) 1.6 0.2 2 0
Vitamin E (mg) 0.5 0.1 4 1
Calcium (mg) 631 94.7 79 12
Copper (mg) 0.92 0.1 92 14
Iron (mg) 7.72 1.2 55 8
Magnesium (mg) 335 50.3 89 13
Manganese (mg) 2.7 0.4 136 20
Phosphorus (mg) 860 129 123 18
Potassium (mg) 407 61.1 20 3
Zinc (mg) 4.58 0.7 46 7

*recommended daily allowance

Learn more about the plant: Hemp

Hemp is an angiosperm plant belonging to the Cannabinaceae family. This annual plant is generally 1 to 2 m high. It likes bright environments and soil with a basic pH. Its culture is estimated to be among the oldest of humanity. Its exact origin is difficult to identify. Archaeobotanical studies find the first traces of Hemp in Central Asia. Subsequently, Hemp was introduced into Europe, as an agricultural plant, during the Bronze Age (from the 22nd to the 16th century BC).

Everything is good in Hemp! Indeed, all parts of the plant are used and make it possible to obtain paper, fabric, rope, biocompounds with strong insulating power, fuel, biodegradable plastic, antibacterial detergents and more recently food products, such as oil, flour, beer, etc.

Hemp seeds are technically achenes. Recently, Hemp has seen its food interest explode, France is benefiting from this craze since it is the largest producer of Hemp in Europe. From an international point of view, it is China which stands out as the world leader in Hemp. Concerning the inflorescences, the latter are not authorized for harvest in France, due to the presence of molecules from the cannabinoid class.

Do Hemp Seeds Contain THC?

The reputation of Hemp is very often linked to its relaxing and even hallucinogenic powers. But, it is important to distinguish between Hemp grown in France for industrial use (food, construction, textiles, etc.) and cannabis, also called recreational Hemp. Industrial Hemp contains no or very little (less than 0.2%) psychotropic substance: THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) in comparison with cannabis. The latter is very rich in resin in which this famous molecule is found, and is mainly exploited for its medicinal and psychotropic properties. No worries therefore since the plots of producers of Hemp used in food are subject to particularly strict controls in order to verify that the crops come from varieties low in THC (< 0.2%). Your Hemp seeds may therefore contain traces of THC, but these traces are tiny. So tiny that to absorb 5 mg of THC, you would have to eat more than 2 kg of Hemp seeds per day. While knowing that 5 mg does not cause psychoactive effects on a 68 kg individual... You will have a stomach ache before feeling any hallucinatory effects.

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Publication: Farinon B, Molinari R, Costantini L, Merendino N. The seed of industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.): Nutritional Quality and Potential Functionality for Human Health and Nutrition. Nutrients. 2020 Jun 29;12(7):1935. doi:10.3390/nu12071935. PMID: 32610691; PMCID: PMC7400098.

Publication: Cerino P, Buonerba C, Cannazza G, D'Auria J, Ottoni E, Fulgione A, Di Stasio A, Pierri B, Gallo A. A Review of Hemp as Food and Nutritional Supplement. Cannabis Cannabinoid Res. 2021 Feb 12;6(1):19-27. doi: 10.1089/can.2020.0001. PMID: 33614949; PMCID: PMC7891210.

Work : Wolfe, d. (2017). superfoods. macro editions.

Website : eFlore. (nd). Tela Botanica. https://www.tela-botanica.org/eflore/?referential=bdtfx&module=fiche&action=fiche&num_nom=12688&onglet=synthese

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