The fig tree is a small deciduous tree of the Moraceae family. We appreciate it for its fruit: the fig. Botanically, the fig is not a fruit, since it is made up of several dozen/hundreds of small fruits: the achenes. To put it simply, a fig is a bag of small fruits. In nutrition, it is considered to be a delicious and nutritious fruit. Eaten fresh, candied or dried, it goes wonderfully with savory and sweet dishes. Drying figs concentrates their flavors and benefits. Rich in fiber, flavonoids, phenolic acids, source of vitamin K, iron and copper, the fig gives us many therapeutic properties. It fights against oxidative stress, against dysmenorrhea, against muscular disorders, toning or even remineralizing... In short, the fig knows how to combine taste pleasures and health benefits. Latin name: Ficus carica L. Botanical family: Moraceae. Part used: Fruit.

Recommended consumption

The dried fig is a dried fruit. It therefore contains more sugar than a fresh fig, the daily consumption recommendations are defined. As a classic cure or for pleasure, a portion of dried fig is estimated between 20 and 30 g per day, which represents one Lerida fig, or two to three Calabacitas figs per day.

In what form ?

To make the most of their benefits, you can use them:

  • Whole
  • In pieces
At what time of the day ?

We advise you to use them during the following meal(s) to make the most of their benefits:

  • Breakfast
  • Lunch
  • In case
  • Dinner
What methods of use?

You can include them in the following preparations to make them easier to take:

  • Dessert
  • Yogurt, dairy
  • Flat
  • Alone
  • Mixed with other dried fruits
  • Muesli

Health nutrition benefits

25 g of dried figs contain a significant portion of Nutritional References for the Population (RNP) in Potassium. They also contain, to a lesser extent, Vitamin K, of Calcium, of Copper, of Iron and Manganese.

As such, dried figs can complement your healthy and varied diet.


Dried Figs are naturally low in saturated fat and rich in fiber and antioxidants (copper, manganese, phenolic acids and flavonoids). They thus prevent the appearance of hypercholesterolemia and the progression of atherosclerotic plaques.

Digestive system

Dried Figs help regulate digestive transit. In fact, their soluble fibers fight against diarrhea or prevent constipation (see our guides constipation and diet, diarrhea and diet).

Urogenital system

Regular consumption of dried figs would significantly reduce the severity and duration of pain caused by menstrual cycles.

Cardiac system

Dried Figs promote a return to normal blood pressure through its contribution of Potassium. Potassium has hypotensive power. Within a varied and balanced diet, the potassium in dried figs helps prevent blood pressure disorders.

Nervous system, well-being

A general decline in performance can be caused by insufficient micronutrient intake. Figs provide the nutrients necessary to improve physical and intellectual abilities. They participate in the catabolism of micronutrients, through calcium, manganese and copper which enter the metabolic chains of energy production. They contribute to the conduction of the nervous system, always thanks to calcium, copper and also potassium. Finally, they fight against iron deficiency which affects physical and intellectual skills.

The nutrients in dried figs reinforce the benefits of a varied and balanced diet.

Muscles and joints

A deficiency of calcium or potassium can cause muscle contraction disorders. Dried Figs contribute to the proper functioning of muscles by providing these two minerals. The nutrients in dried figs reinforce the benefits of a varied and balanced diet.

Nutritional properties

Main properties

  • General stimulant (carbohydrates, calcium, copper, iron, manganese): dried figs are one of the dried fruits with the best nutritional profile among dried fruits. The majority of energy is carbohydrate, our body's preferred energy source. They also ensure the production of energy, through the provision of energy metabolism cofactors: calcium, copper, iron and manganese. In addition, copper is involved in the formation of norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter of the sympathetic nervous system that promotes excitement.

  • Antioxidant (copper, manganese, phenolic acid and flavonoid): numerous antioxidants constitute Dried Figs: manganese and copper, two cofactors of SOD (superoxide dismutase), an enzyme which neutralizes the action of superoxide radicals; phenolic acids and flavonoids (gallic acid, chlorogenic acid, rutin, quercetin-3-O-rutinoside, hydroxycinnamic acids, flan-3-ols, flavonols, etanthocyanins, epicatechin, etc.).

  • Uterine antispasmodic : a scientific study has demonstrated that regular intake of Dried Fig reduces menstrual distress and perceived stress. The participants suffered from dysmenorrhea, they noticed an improvement in their quality of life during menstruation by the reduction in the intensity of pain and its duration.

  • Laxative (Fiber): Dried Figs are rich in soluble fiber. Soluble fiber has the ability to form a gel in contact with water, which firms the texture of the stool. However, in excess, they tend to have a laxative effect by increasing the mass of stools.

Secondary properties

  • Antihypertensive (potassium): potassium gives dried figs a hypotensive power.

  • Regulator of the nervous system (potassium, calcium): by providing calcium and potassium, dried figs participate in the transmission of the nervous message.

  • Participating in muscular functioning (potassium, calcium): dried figs act on muscle contraction by providing calcium and potassium. Potassium allows the conduction of nerve messages and calcium allows muscle contraction.

Nutritional values

Nutritional elements per 100g for 25g % of RDA* per 100 g % of RDA* for 25 g
Energy (Kcal) 256 64 13 3
Energy (Kj) 1074 268 13 3
Lipids (g) 0.87 0.22 1 0
Saturated fatty acids (g) 0.35 0.09 2 0
Monounsaturated fatty acids (g) 0.18 0.05
Polyunsaturated fatty acids (g) 0.27 0.07
Carbohydrates (g) 54.3 13.58 21 5
Including sugars (g) 49.2 12.3 55 14
Including starch (g) 5.07 1.27
Dietary fiber (g) 9.72 2.43
Protein (g) 2.99 0.75 6 1
Salt (g) 0.22 0.06 4 1
Vitamin A (µg) 6 1.5 1 0
Vitamin B1 (mg) 0.085 0.02 8 2
Vitamin B2 (mg) 0.096 0.02 7 2
Vitamin B3 (mg) 0.68 0.17 4 1
Vitamin B5 (mg) 0.43 0.11 7 2
Vitamin B6 (mg) 0.11 0.03 8 2
Vitamin B9 (µg) 9 2.25 5 1
Vitamin B12 (µg) 0 0 0 0
Vitamin C (mg) 1.2 0.3 2 0
Vitamin E (mg) 0.5 0.13 4 1
Vitamin K (µg) 15.6 3.9 21 5
Calcium (mg) 167 41.75 21 5
Copper (mg) 0.27 0.07 27 7
Iron (mg) 2.12 0.53 15 4
Iodine (µg) 1.1 0.28 1 0
Magnesium (mg) 52.5 13.13 14 4
Manganese (mg) 0.4 0.1 20 5
Phosphorus (mg) 75.1 18.78 11 3
Potassium (mg) 845 211.25 42 11
Selenium (µg) 2.2 0.55 4 1
Zinc (mg) 0.51 0.13 5 1

*recommended daily allowance

Learn more about the plant: The Fig Tree

The fig tree belongs to the Moraceae family. It is a deciduous shrub, which can reach five meters in height and is very fragrant. It is mainly found in the Mediterranean basin. The fig tree is cultivated for its fruit, which is currently considered to be the oldest domesticated fruit. Its fruit, moreover, is actually a small bag which traps numerous achenes. Thus, what we consider to be a fruit: the Fig, is in truth a grouping of achenes. The latex of fig leaves is irritating due to the presence of furocoumarins in the composition. This shrub is rather resistant: it prefers warm climates, but does not require any particular soil to develop fully.

The wasp eater

You are not dreaming, the Fig is indeed a bee eater. Finally, its fruiting depends rather on a certain wasp.
The Fig is quite special since from a botanical point of view, it is not a fruit. On the outside, it looks like a small bag trapping orange-red pulp. This pulp is made up of tiny flowers: the bag is therefore an inverted inflorescence. Imprisoned flowers cannot be fertilized without outside help. This is where pollinators come in: fig wasps. This little insect is totally dependent on fig trees, because it is born, reproduces and develops inside Figs, and the Fig depends on its presence to bear fruit.
First of all, it is important to take stock of the structure of a Fig. At the end of the peduncle there is an orifice: ostiole. In the Fig, around the ostiole are the male flowers. At the bottom of the Fig, these are the female flowers. Thus, there is almost no exchange between the area of ​​male flowers and female flowers.

Now, let's see how the pollination of the Fig takes place:

  • A female wasp enters through the Fig ostiole. Upon entering, the wasp gets stuck and will end its life in this new “house/prison”. It is here that she lays her eggs, which will hatch, develop, and mate together... Always in the Fig.

  • Only female wasps of this new generation can emerge from the Fig. Too tired, male wasps will die without ever being able to smell the outside air. On their way out, the female wasps will pick up the fig pollen by rubbing against the male flowers.

  • Once outside, the new generation of female wasps will, in turn, seek to lay eggs in a new Fig to ensure the sustainability of the species.

  • By entering a new Fig, the female wasp will certainly get stuck, lay eggs and die in the Fig; but it pollinates the bottom (female) flowers of the Fig. The fertilized female flowers thus give way to the orange pulp which we consume. And the cycle repeats itself, generation after generation.

In summary, these two species (plant and insect) develop together, they depend on each other for their survival, we speak of mutualism. But don't worry, we are not consuming a dead wasp as such when we eat a Fig. Fig dissolves the wasp thanks to an enzyme called “ficin”. This is why some vegetarians, vegans or vegans do not wish to consume Figs.

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Publication: Amanak K. Effects of Dry Figs on Primary Dysmenorrhea Symptoms, perceived Stress Levels and the Quality of Life. PR Health Sci J. 2020 Dec;39(4):319-326. Erratum in: PR Health Sci J. 2021 Mar;40(1):59. PMID: 33320461.

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