Cellulite is a superficial lipodystrophy. Visually, the surface of the skin is not smooth, it gives an orange peel or dimpled effect. There are several forms and different grades of cellulite. A dietary imbalance that is too fatty, too sweet or too salty promotes the appearance of cellulite. Diet also contributes to reducing the appearance of cellulite. Indeed, fruits and vegetables, foods rich in fiber and sufficient hydration are the three pillars of the anti-cellulite diet. On the other hand, impeccable eating habits alone do not effectively prevent or eliminate cellulite. Natural therapeutic methods, physical activity or certain types of massages also help effectively remove cellulite.

This article was updated on 19/12/2023

Origin of cellulite

Cellulite (or lipodystrophy) is described as a alteration of the skin surface. It is characterized by a padding of the skin, an “orange peel” appearance. Although solid epidemiological data are unavailable, it appears that virtually all women are affected to varying degrees by cellulite: approximately 90% of women have cellulite. In men, cellulite is extremely rare, but it can still appear in the event of a hormonal pathology.

This inequality between men and women is explained by a difference in configuration of the hypodermis. For all, the hypodermis is made up of adipocytes (cells specialized in storing lipids) compartmentalized by fibrous partitions. In humans, the fibrous septa (or fibrous septa) are oblique, at 45° to the surface of the skin. In women, they are perpendicular to the skin. These structural differences are exclusively linked to sex and explain why cellulite does not affect men.

In principle, the appearance of cellulite seems to be limited to regions that develop a higher than average amount of subcutaneous adipose tissue: mainly the thighs and buttocks, and in a minority the abdomen. The causes of cellulite are not clearly defined. It is believed that heredity, certain hormones such as estrogens, the thickness of subcutaneous fat, the thickness of the dermis, blood circulation disorders, water retention and age are potential factors of development of cellulite. One thing is sure, cellulite does not pose a vital risk or secondary pathology. It therefore has nothing to do with overweight and obesity, which promote multiple disorders (cardiovascular, osteoarticular, digestive, hormonal, metabolic, etc.)

How do I identify my type of cellulite?

It exists three forms of cellulitewateryadipose and fibrous. To recognize your type of cellulite, it's quite simple:

  • Watery cellulite: it is painless and colorless. If you have heavy legs, blood or lymphatic circulation problems. You probably have aqueous cellulite (be careful not to confuse it with lymphedema, which is accompanied by difficulty in moving the limbs, a symptom absent in aqueous cellulitis).

  • Adipose cellulite: cellulite is soft, colorless and painless. It is particularly located on the thighs, hips and buttocks. It can be accompanied by excess weight (not always!). If cellulite appears when you lightly pinch your skin or tense your muscles, you have adipose cellulite.

  • Fibrous cellulite: it is painful and may be slightly purplish. If it is uncomfortable to the touch, you have fibrous cellulite.

Please note, however, that it is possible to have several types of cellulite at the same time. VSeach cellulite will have a different diet adapted to combat it.

Role of diet

Prevent cellulite

Quality scientific articles on the impact of nutrition on cellulite are almost non-existent. However, in view of the contributing factors and triggers of cellulite, we can affirm that diet is a means of prevention cellulite. Thus, we will ensure:

  • Avoid storing excess lipids : in excess, they are stored in the form of triglycerides in adipocytes. This storage increases the volume of adipocytes (cells responsible for storing fat), which causes pressure on the skin and promotes the appearance of dimpling.

  • Reduce the glycemic index: the glycemic index is a criterion for classifying foods according to their glycemic power. Foods with a high glycemic index cause hyperglycemia, that is, the concentration of glucose in the blood is higher than normal. The body stores glucose (sugar) in muscles, liver and fat cells. Adipocytes transform glucose into triglycerides through a metabolic pathway called lipogenesis. In the long term, repeated hyperglycemia supports the storage of sugar in the form of lipids, which increases the size of adipocytes and the appearance of cellulite. In addition, excess carbohydrates would also promote collagen glycation. This means that collagen attaches a sugar to its structure. This fixation stiffens the collagen. The stiffening of collagen is a criterion supporting the appearance of fibrous cellulite.

  • Avoid excess sodium and water retention : Excess sodium is one of the main causes of water retention. Due to the ability of salt to attract water (osmotic pressure), the water present in the blood and/or lymphatic vessels migrates into the tissues. This influx of water causes edema. In addition, hypernatremia (excess sodium in the blood) stimulates the secretion of a hormone called ADH (or vasopressin). ADH reduces diuresis and therefore increases blood volume.

Reduce cellulite already installed

Certain foods may help improve the appearance of cellulite by limiting the causes of the appearance of cellulite. These foods are rich in :

  • Fibers : fiber reduces the absorption of lipids and carbohydrates. Due to their size and our inability to absorb them, fiber will trap other nutrients. Thus, fiber limits the storage of lipids and reduces the glycemic index of foods and meals.

  • Water : this may seem contradictory, but to eliminate water, you have to drink. Indeed, by increasing water consumption, we increase blood volume and therefore diuresis, which helps fight against water retained in the tissues.

  • Antioxidants : in this large family, we are particularly interested in anthocyanins and vitamin C. Anthocyanins strengthen the walls of blood vessels, which limits the leakage of water into the tissues. As for vitamin C, it contributes to the formation of collagen, which helps to renew the collagen fibers, and thus restore more suppleness to the skin.

What foods should you reduce to prevent the appearance of cellulite?

Bad fats, saturated and trans fatty acids

In excess, lipids are stored in adipocytes (and the liver) which promotes the appearance of adipose cellulite. However, do not demonize foods that carry lipids, they are essential to the functioning of the body, and therefore to life. As always, it's all about balance.

So, please limit pro-inflammatory lipids that will further accentuate the appearance of cellulite, namely trans fatty acids, saturated fatty acids and omega-6. To cover your lipid needs, choose omega-3: anti-inflammatory fatty acids.

We recommend you :

  • limit fried foods: one fried product every two weeks maximum.

  • consume a maximum of 20 g of butter per day.

  • to limit yourself to 50 g of cold meats per week: sausages, sausages, rillettes, pâtés, etc.

  • to consume a maximum of one viennoiserie or pastry per week.

  • avoid dishes with sauces and industrial sauces.

  • to favor lean meats: turkey, chicken, lamb, veal, certain parts of beef (scoter, steak, 5% fat minced steak, etc.), certain parts of pork (ham, fillet, rack, roast, etc.) , etc.

  • to favor “good fats”: vegetable oils rich in omega-3 (linseed oil, Colza oil, soya oil, hemp oil), fatty fish, walnut kernels, THE linseed, THE chia seeds, etc.

  • to favor the Bleu-blanc coeur label. Thanks to its specifications, products from this label are richer in omega-3.

Foods with a high glycemic index

Foods with a high glycemic index lead to hyperglycemia. The excess glucose in the blood is stored in the form of fat, which encourages the arrival of adipose cellulite. Additionally, collagen fibers can naturally attach sugars to their structures. This association stiffens the collagen. A loss of collagen flexibility would be favorable to the appearance of fibrous cellulite.

Foods with a high glycemic index are : sugar, jam, fruit in syrups, industrial fruit-based biscuits (such as trays, tartlets, wafers, filled rusks), white cereal products (white pasta, white rice, white bread, sandwich bread, etc. .), dates (if coated with glucose syrup), potatoes, puffed rice cakes, compotes with added sugar, sodas, fruit nectars, etc.

We recommend you :

  • avoid consuming foods with a high glycemic index outside of meals.

  • not to overcook your food, as this increases the glycemic index. Sespecially in the case of starchy foods (pasta, rice, potatoes, etc.). Prefer al dente pasta, steamed potatoes...

  • avoid mixing or grinding your food. Foods with smooth-soft textures have a higher glycemic index.

  • avoid fast-cooking starchy foods (example: 3-minute pasta). They go through pre-cooking which increases their glycemic indices.

  • to replace white (beet) sugar with sweeteners with lower glycemic indices: whole sugar, honey, coconut sugar, lucuma powder, compote, etc.

  • to use cocoa powder without added sugar, instead of cocoa powders from supermarkets (generally speaking, they are richer in white sugar than cocoa powder).

Foods that are too salty

In France, salt consumption exceeds requirements. While the daily recommendations are a maximum of 6 g per day, the latest surveys indicate an average consumption of 8 g per day (10 g for consumers of semi-salted butter). Sodium is essential to life since it is involved in water exchange. However, in excess, it retains water in the tissues, causing watery cellulite and a feeling of heavy legs.

We recommend you :

  • to limit foods rich in salt: dried seaweed, condiments (olives in brine, salty soy sauce, pickles), stock cube, etc.

  • not to salt your preparations.

  • limit yourself to one portion of cheese per day (30 g).

  • to consume a maximum of 50 g of cold meats per week.

  • to consume a maximum of 1/2 baguette per day.

  • avoid prepared meals, industrial preparations and canned foods.

  • to favor soft butter.

  • avoid waters rich in sodium: Saint-Yorre®, Vichy Célestin®, Arvie®, Badoit®.

  • to opt for home cooking.

  • to use spices, aromatic herbs and salt substitutes (potassium salt, gomasio, etc.).

What foods should you choose to reduce the appearance of cellulite?

Fresh fruits and vegetables

Fresh fruits and vegetables will be useful for all types of cellulite because of their contributions in:

  • Fibers : fiber reduces the glycemic index and the absorption of lipids.

  • Water : with a content of around 80-90%, fruits and vegetables are among the foods richest in water. They therefore contribute to daily water intake. Water limits sodium retention.

  • Antioxidants : raw fruits and vegetables are full of multiple micronutrients including vitamin C and anthocyanins. Vitamin C participates in collagen metabolism. Anthocyanins limit water retention.

We recommend you :

  • to consume 2 raw fruits per day:

  • to consume 3 to 4 portions of vegetables per day, including 1 to 2 raw vegetables.

  • to favor seasonal vegetables, because they are richer in micronutrients.

  • to favor local fruits and vegetables, to reduce the destruction of micronutrients caused by transport times.

  • to make superfood cures rich in vitamin C, such as vitamin C powdersAcerola or Camu-camu.

  • to favor fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C: broccoli, pepper, kiwi, citrus fruits, blackcurrant, aromatic herbs (parsley, chives), spinach, black radish, etc.

  • to favor fruits rich in anthocyanin: blueberries, blackcurrants, blackberries, cranberries, cherries, raspberries, grapes, onions, cabbage, etc.

Foods rich in fiber

Fiber helps manage blood sugar levels and reduces nutrient absorption. In fact, they help to reduce the glycemic index (GI) of foods and the glycemic load of meals (this explains why a white cereal has a higher GI than a semi-complete or complete cereal). Postprandial blood sugar is more stable and the storage of lipids and carbohydrates is less. Thanks to their properties, fibers help to fight against fibrous and adipose cellulite.

We recommend you :

  • to consume your whole grain products: whole grain pasta, whole grain rice, whole grain semolina, spelt, grain bread, whole grain bread, buckwheat, millet, oats, etc. If you cannot tolerate whole grain products, opt for semi-whole grain products.

  • to choose wholemeal flours (T100 minimum) or flours from other cereals or legumes.

  • to eat at least two dishes based on dried vegetables per week: flageolet beans, red beans, lentils, split peas, chickpeas, broad beans, mogettes, etc.

  • to incorporate powder Konjac or powder Psyllium in your preparations

  • to consume 15 g of nuts per day: hazelnut, nut, almond, cashew nuts.

  • to consume 20 to 30 g of dried fruits per day: dried Aronia berries, Goji berries, dried blueberries, dried pineapples, dried apples, dried raspberries, dried mulberries, etc.

The water

Ensuring good hydration is essential in the event of watery cellulite. Drinking enough, small sips throughout the day reduce water retention by increasing urinary excretion.

We recommend you :

  • to drink 1.5 L of water throughout the day.

  • to consume circulatory plant-based herbal teas, such asYarrow, THE Cassis, there Red vine, etc. Or herbal teas made from Bearberry, Dandelion, from Cherry Tail which have diuretic properties.

Aronia juice

A 2014 scientific article studied the beneficial effects of consuming organic aronia juice on the appearance of grade 2 cellulite. Aronia is a berry source of proanthocyanidins, anthocyanins, flavonols, phenolic acids, etc. In brief , a berry that is full of antioxidants. In the protocol they evaluate different parameters, such as epidermal, dermal and subcutaneous structure, thickness of dermis and epidermis, length of subcutaneous tissue bundles, biochemical parameters (cholesterol, triglyceride, blood sugar, liver enzymes ASAT and ALAT, etc.) and anthropometric parameters (weight, BMI, body fat measurement, etc.). The women tested had to consume 100 mL of ORGANIC aronia juice for three months, without changing their eating, cosmetic or sporting habits.

After three months of consuming aronia juice, the results measured by ultrasound show an improvement in the thickness of the dermis, subcutaneous tissue and a reduction in edema. The whole results in a significant improvement in the appearance of cellulite. Half of the tested group observed a drop in body fat weight. The biochemical data has not changed. The study concludes with the benefit of anthocyanins in the treatment of cellulite. Further studies are needed to confirm the benefits of Aronia.

Like the protocol of this study, we recommend 100 mL of aronia juice every day, for three months, to be taken before lunch.

Put into practice: a typical menu in case of cellulite

By following the recommendations, we offer you a standard menu designed specifically to prevent and improve the appearance of cellulite. This menu lists the food families, giving you the opportunity to vary the pleasures.

Breakfast :

  • Hot beverage
  • Dairy product
  • Complete cereal product
  • Raw fruit

Lunch :

  • Rawness
  • Cooked vegetable
  • Complete cereal product
  • Meat, fish or egg
  • Dairy

Snack :

  • Hot beverage
  • Complete grain products
  • Nuts or dried fruits

Dinner :

  • Rawness
  • Cooked vegetable
  • Complete cereal product
  • Meat, fish or egg
  • Raw fruit

Additional advice

  • Practicing physical activity : sport is essential to fight against cellulite. It allows you to increase your energy expenditure, and therefore to “destock” fat (scientifically, this corresponds to lipolysis). Also, movement reduces water retention. Sports practiced in water (swimming, aquagym, diving, snorkeling, water polo, etc.) would be more effective against cellulite: they allow you to work the muscles in depth and simultaneously practice a massage thanks to the water movements.

  • Think about anti-cellulite essential oils. Some are lipolytic, decongestant, diuretic, aquaretic and anti-inflammatory. Their properties are more visible on adipose or aqueous cellulite.

  • Carry out a cure Chestnut bud macerate : in gemmotherapy, chestnut bud macerate is a perfect lymphatic drainer and vascular tonic.

  • Adapt your cosmetic routine : certain topical creams based on caffeine, retinol, or sulfocarrabiose improve the appearance of cellulite. For natural cosmetics, massage your legs withcalophyll Inophyl vegetable oil in case of watery cellulite. The latter is an excellent circulatory agent. In case of adipose or fibrous cellulite, favor oily daisy macerate. Also applied to the skin, its astringent power improves the appearance of cellulite.

  • Massage your skin: Deep tissue massages, such as lymphatic massage (or palpation and rolling) show an improvement in the appearance of cellulite. For the massage to be effective, it must be performed several times a week, preferably daily.

  • Accept your cellulite : in the current state of knowledge, cellulite does not influence life expectancy or the risk of secondary disease. Having cellulite is not an end in itself. Learning to accept its presence is also part of its psychological treatment.

Do pineapple and papaya eliminate cellulite?

Pineapple and papaya are often presented as anti-cellulite fruits. Indeed, pineapple and papaya are respectively made up of bromelain and of papain. These two molecules are proteases: enzymes that “cut” proteins. They are used in the food industry to tenderize meat, or in medicine to improve digestion.

For cellulite, scientists hypothesize that bromelain and papain help renew collagen fibers, which makes the skin more supple and cellulite less visible.

Theoretically yes, bromelain and papain could modulate the structure of collagen fibers. However, no scientific study has, to date, observed an improvement in cellulite after consumption of pineapple, papaya or directly food supplements composed of bromelain or papain. Scientific studies are therefore necessary to confirm the theory. For the moment, pineapple and papaya have not no more interest than other fruits to get rid of cellulite.

Can the ketogenic diet be effective against cellulite?

Initially designed for medical purposes, the ketogenic diet was created in the 1920s by Dr. Wilder. The principle is to modify the percentages of nutrient intake: reduction in carbohydrate intake (less than 5% of total energy intake (AET) per day, normally 50%), drastic increase in lipid intake (on average 85% of 'AET, initially 35%) and no change in protein intake.

This loss of carbohydrate intake forces the body to adapt. First, the body draws on glycogen reserves. After exhaustion of reserves, it mobilizes fatty acids to produce ketone bodies (ketone, acetoacetate, beta-hydroxybutyrate): this is called ketogenesis. Ketone bodies are energy precursors, they help preserve low carbohydrate intake for glucose-dependent cells (such as neurons).

At first glance, this type of diet seems promising in case of adipose cellulite, because it helps consume lipid reserves. However, it is a restrictive diet, it is not very diversified and increases the risks of deficiency. In addition, it is very restrictive on a social level. Without forgetting that following rapid and inappropriate weight loss, the risks of weight regain are increased (yoyo effect). If you wish to apply this diet, it is best to contact a nutrition professional.

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